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The Love Conspiracy: Hidden Taxes: How the Government and Banking System Create Fake Money


There is a great conspiracy afoot which goes deep into the core of our consciousness. We are to blame in part for a fictitious monetary system which we are currently entangled in.

It is our hope that you will understand the gravity of the situation and utilize this opportunity to reclaim your natural irrevocable power that has been hidden from you. Hidden until you were ready to reclaim it. Is that time now?

What’s the difference between real money and fiat money?

“Fiat Money is money in name only. It’s money because a sovereign government says it’s money. It has no intrinsic metallic or redemption value. Its nominal value is what the government engraves on its face. Its real value is what it will buy in the marketplace. In the international marketplace, its real value is what it is worth in exchange for another country’s currency.” (Source: Crash Proof by Peter Schiff)

Real money would actually have something of value backing it like gold or silver.

In medieval times, goldsmiths acted as the hub for currency. Merchants and other people would receive paper receipts which represented the gold they owned. Over time there was a distinction created between receipts for storage and money substitutes which were “bank notes” or promises to pay.

And this is where the game began.

These bank notes or promises to pay: “had intrinsic value only to the extent the goldsmith, now a banker and lending out the gold deposits not required to meet expected daily redemptions, had kept “gold reserves” on hand to meet the redemptions that were expected. A banker playing it too close ran the risk of arousing suspicion and causing “run on the bank.” That could ruin his business.” (Source: Crash Proof by Peter Schiff)

Currently there is no lawful money in circulation. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 also called the Owen-Glass Act established a private politically independent Federal Reserve banking system designed to regulate the banking system, manage the money supply through buying and selling government securities and ultimately acting as the hub for transferring funds throughout the banking system. Thus began the degradation of the dollar.

The United States measures its wealth by how credit worthy it is not how much true value it holds.

Fractional Reserve banking is our current system that governs the creation of currency. When you take out a loan, your signature–which ultimately is nested inside a “promise” to pay–is what creates the money.

Banks do NOT loan money out of their own assets. I have documentation from a professional accountant who has questioned banks and bank auditors who have admitted that banks do not put loans as a liability on their books according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

This means that the bank has not taken any risk through your loan because they haven’t lent out their own assets. Instead they have created money out of thin air through your signature and promise to pay and have put the liability on you.

What I’m telling you is that banks engaging in fraud is a part of standard operating procedure and has been for some time.

In Modern Money Mechanics a publication put out by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago they explain:

“Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries. Coins do have some intrinsic value as metal, but generally far less than their face value. What, then, makes these instruments – checks, paper money, and coins – acceptable at face value in payment of all debts and for other monetary uses? Mainly, it is the confidence people have that they will be able to exchange such money for other financial assets and for real goods and services whenever they choose to do so. Money, like anything else, derives its value from its scarcity in relation to its usefulness.”

Curious as to how money is created?

“Changes in the quantity of money may originate with actions of the Federal Reserve System (the central bank), depository institutions (principally commercial banks), or the public. The major control, however, rests with the central bank. The actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks. As noted earlier, checkable liabilities of banks are money. These liabilities are customers’ accounts. They increase when customers deposit currency and checks and when the proceeds of loans made by the banks are credited to borrowers’ accounts.”

This is exactly what I was just describing. This quote says it all “checkable liabilities of banks are money. These liabilities are customers’ accounts.” If you look into accounting you’ll see what an oxymoron “liabilities of banks are money” is.

Banks are only required to keep a 10% reserve requirement and can lend out 90% in credit to the public. However, this is a joke when you realize that any amount of money which goes through a bank it expands the reserves of multiple banks simultaneously. Think about monopoly money as you read more about our Fractional Reserve banking system:

“Carried through to theoretical limits, the initial $10,000 of reserves distributed within the banking system gives rise to an expansion of $90,000 in bank credit (loans and investments) and supports a total of $100,000 in new deposits under a 10 percent reserve requirement. The deposit expansion factor for a given amount of new reserves is thus the reciprocal of the required reserve percentage (1/.10 = 10). Loan expansion will be less by the amount of the initial injection. The multiple expansion is possible because the banks as a group are like one large bank in which checks drawn against borrowers’ deposits result in credits to accounts of other depositors, with no net change in the total reserves.”

Remember that power we talked about reclaiming. The above is one of many reasons why we must reclaim our power. Will you join us?

Check out The Love Activation to learn more about the Love Conspiracy:

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You’ll learn:
  • How the media, the government, businesses and religion can create “Organized Lovelessness”
  • Recent breakthroughs that change the way we think about LOVE
  • How LOVE changes your body chemistry and affects everyone around you
  • How you can keep yourself in a state of LOVE using these simple yet powerful “love exercises”

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